Published Works:
- Live Coding as a Theatre of Agency and a Factory of Time (forthcoming)
- Franco Briones, Alejandro. (June 2021). “The Defense of Cognitive and Actual Territories: An Interview with Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil”, Upping the Anti: Journal of Theory and Action, Issue 22.
- Franco, Alejandro, Dávila, Raúl, & Ocelotl, Emilio. (2020). Aproximaciones al término Electroacústica en México. Presented at the Electroacoustic Music Studies Network (EMS), Mexico City: Zenodo.
- Franco Briones, Alejandro, Villasenor, Diego, & Ogborn, David. (2020). Poly-temporality Towards anecology of time-oriented live coding. In Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC2020) (pp. 105–116). Limerick, Ireland: University of Limerick.
- Franco Briones, Alejandro. (2019). TIMENOT: A COMPUTATIONAL NOTATION FOR TIME-ORIENTED LIVE CODING. Unpublished Major Research Project. Department of Communication Studies and Multimedia - McMaster University.
- Franco Briones, Alejandro; Villaseñor de Cortina, Diego. (2019). Nanc-in-a-Can Canon Generator. SuperCollider code capable of generating and visualizing temporal canons critically and algorithmically. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Live Coding.