Some repositories to check out:
- Nanc-In-A-Can: an ongoing collaboration with Diego Villaseñor; the project started as a pedagogical research on the work of Conlon Nancarrow and then derived into a broad series of functions, libraries, papers and art works based on Nancarrow's poly-temprality.
- Estuary: An online platform for multi-lingual, networked, collaborative live coding. I have developed a significant part of CineCer0 for Estuary. Project supervised by David Ogborn.
- TimeNot: A computational notation capable of expressing complex rhythmic ideas with a particular emphasis in poly-temporality as developed by the socialist Mexican artist Conlon Nancarrow. The main idea approached in this notation is the tempo canon. However, many rhythmic strategies, techniques and ideas can be notated easily including euclidean rhythms and onset patterns.
- My SuperCollider Instruments: A bunch of synths designed for live coding performances, algorithmic music composition, and many other things. The instruments are based on wavetable synthesis.
Code generated scores and installations:
- Iterar las Ausencias. Code-generated score for 17 instrumentalists performed in Umbral 30 in 2018.
- 2008-2118. A speculative data sonification, multichannel immersive generative music (stereo version) and installation. I sonified the trajectory of citizens' exposure to extreme violence of what we know nowadays as the Global North from 2008 to 2118 in order to visibilise the multidimensional crisis provoked by the techno-scientific military-capitalist complex.
- Tiempo. This performance was a broad collaboration with Nanc-In-A-Can, Ruido 13 and Umbral which took place in Mexico City (2019). It is a 90 minute long exploration of time concepts that took the form of a live coded/improvised opera of a running person besieged by 13 time-keeping human/mechanic/digital computers. No documentation available at the moment.
Live Coding
Some documented live coding performances to check out: